[ av-uh-key-shuhn ] noun
1. something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, 
especially for pleasure; hobby
2. a person's regular occupation, calling, or vocation.
3. Archaic. diversion or distraction.

​​​​​​​My avocations:
Since I was little, I enjoyed building thing. Starting from little wild settlements in my grandad`s rye fields and small huts in the backyard to deciding to study architecture in hightschool and taking private drawing lessons and learning the way of seeing the world through sketching. I enjoyed every moment of that path. This lead me to Aalborg and after finishing a Architectural Technology and Costruction management, my mind was set that the most important part of the architectural project is not necessarily to produce beautiful hand sketches and know how to build things, but communication between the different parties involved in the project. Thus my path lead to study Techno-Anthropology and try to figure out how to improve knowledge exchange and communcation in the building project.  You can read more about it in the ARCH part.
Part of me has always thrived while creating something with my hands - painting, drawing, designing, imagining. This section includes that - all big blur of unfinished, finished, ended, never-ending projects, drawings, paintings and graphic designs I have created during these years.
Being in love with theatre and music lead me to Improvisation Theatre. This part here shows the projects I have have been part of the last years - including the performances, troupes and the classes I have lead. 
A passion for improvised theater has made me who I am - being a possitive, accepting and curious human being that is not afraid to stand in front of people and present something I believe will improve people`s lives. 
Improvisation is an inevitable part of creative process - repetition and devising is part of the creative loops not only in improvised theater but also in art and architecture. 

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